Trust that we are all connected to the One Divine Energy

From that Trust, we hear or feel our guidance. The message/communication that comes from that part of us that has remained limitless.

Trust that we are all connected to the One Divine Energy. To Source, to God, to the All-that-is.

From that Trust, we hear or feel our guidance. The message/communication that comes from that part of us that has remained limitless. Our Soul Essence.

The perfection that surrounds you here on this planet is impossible to understand in its fullness from your physical perspective. But if you try to grasp pieces of it with your mind you will become awestruck in its simplicity and Love. The beauty taken for granted has such depth in and of itself just like you.

I saw a flower the other day that had the most miraculous color. I couldn't tell you how long I sat staring into the depth of that color. I let myself be completely in the moment. The petals felt, like something I had never experienced before. I allowed myself to move to a level of appreciation and gratitude that only comes through us from our non-physical part/our Soul Essence.

When we allow ourselves to be deeply in the moment, our Soul is experiencing the perfection of God on this planet through us. We witness, the witnessing. THAT is what this is all about. To witness the witnessing. To truly experience this life from a deeper place inside yourself. To begin to see through God's eyes.

Don't try this while driving though. LOL



Gwen Peterson is the creator of Insights and Illuminations and conscious channel. She is a metaphysical teacher, author and spiritual Mentor to those searching for answers and guidance into spirituality, deeper meaning in their lives and perhaps building a dialogue with their Soul. Her programs support all levels of awareness of spirituality. Visit her website and create your personal journey at

Categories: : Positive mindset